Selasa, 04 Oktober 2011


Name : Neunzig Dota Gaming
Date of Birth : unknown
Country : 
Sponsors : speedy, PLN Ciledug
Homepage : unknown

Player Profiles



nama : Tyas Irawan
role : Suport, Tanker, Ganker
Ex team :DOTA XIFALS 19/08, X2
hero favorite :Raigor Stonehoof, Puck, ya yang suport" lah
item favorite :Iroonwood Branch
team favorite :NiCe
player favorite :MFKR
food favorite :Ancient Tango
drink favorite :Healing Salve
band favorite :KoRn



Nama : Rangga Herjuna
Role : Line Ganker
Ex team : IX-7,X-2,MID
Hero Favorite : Ganker
Item favorite : Tele,Magic wand
Team favorite : MU
player favorite : Rooney
food favorite : Ancient tango,Masakan emak
drink favorite : Clarity potion,jus jambu,jus alpukat emak
band favorite : Pendulum,Static X,System of a Down,Coldplay,Arctic monkeys,Keane,Simple plan
pesan & kesan : mengagumi itu gak seru

 [NDG]Amgis <si gay

Name: Win Heber Goklas Sianipar
ex-team: 9-4, Extremers, Exo-Squads, Tamser, NDG, MID (durasi: 1 hour).
Role: carry, solo, ganker.
Hero Favorite: 
Item favourite: blink dagger, bkb.
Team favourite: Na'vi,, NDG
player favourite: PIS, Dendi, blackheart.
Food favourite: c12h10o11 , c12h10o5, protein, lignin.
Drink favourite: h2o.
Band favourite: BMHT, The Used, MM, Slipknor


nama : Ahmad izzan zahrial
role : Suport, Tanker, Ganker
Ex Team : X-2,32,MID
hero favorite : veno,sven,puck,centa
item favorite : recipe
team favorite : chelsea (bodo amat)
player favorite : john tery (bodo amat)
food favorite : makanan emak gua
drink favorite : minuman emak gua
band favorite : slipknot,good charlote
pesan & kesan : chieftainnya TAMPAN!!!


nama : Rahmat Restu Aji
E-x Team : Para Alay" Sjagat Raya , NDG
Role : Support , Solo
Hero Favorite : 
Item : Dagger , aganim

nama : Nofal Lazuardi
role : creep / observer / roshan
Ex team : -
hero favorite : Roshan
item favorite : Black Hole (item kan?)
team favorite : Observer
player favorite : Doa_ibu00
food favorite : doombringer
drink favorite : pandaren brewmaster
band favorite : -
pesan & kesan :
i am nothing
Nothing is perfect
_______________ +
= i am perfect


nama : Muhammad Febriansyah
role : mau solo kek mau tangerang mau cipadu kek bisa dimana aja
Ex team : NDG
TTL : Jakarta, 10 february 1994
hero favorite :  , and 
item favorite : Hand of Midas
team favorite : MYM
player favorite : MYM|Maelk
food favorite : apa aja yg enak yg penting gratis
drink favorite : sama seperti diatas
band favorite : pendulum
kesan : berasal dari kata spanyol, dari kata "real madrid" yang artinya "kesan"


nama :Randy adiputra
role :Suport and Killer late
Ex team :(Dota Indonesia)
hero favorite :Rylai Echantress Phoenix Traxex jahra
item favorite :Aganim blodstone kupu-kupu
team favorite and Na'vi
player favorite :LightOfHeaven
food favorite :
drink favorite :
band favorite :
pesan & kesan :Play For Fun


nama : Isral Bestari
role : forest hunter. blocker
Ex team : LFS,MBS
hero favorite : any hero that kill fast
item Favorite : ward, MKB,mask of madnes
team Favorite : NDG squad. (it's an honor to serve you guys)
Player Favorite : MY SELF
food favorite : masakan PACAR gw
drink favorite : susu
band favorite : nidji... and many others
pesan dan kesan : maaf saya bukanya mau ngocol atau apa.. saya juga bukan bermaksud ngebacot, saya juga suka menghargain kalian semua... tapi maaf... saya TAMPAN TQ!!!!


Nama : Nuzul Ibnu Shobari
Role : Line Sampe Makmur
Ex team : Dota Exo Squad
Hero Favorite : Alleria , Jakiro
Item favorite : Blood Stone ,Magic wand
Team favorite : -
player favorite : HeXoR
food favorite :Tanggo (wafer) , Di heal temen :D
drink favorite : Clarity potion (orang)
band favorite : Ungu , Peterpan
pesan & kesan : Jangan biarkan dota merusak persahabatan kita :D (by Hevian)


nama : imam Adiyansyah
role : support, ganker
Ex team : Zap Gaming Comunition, MID
hero favorite : pandaren, storm, gyrocopter
item favorite : acient tanggo
team favorite : Barcelona
player favorite : Messi
food favorite : nasi + kecap & kerupuk
drink favorite : aer putih
band favorite : SNSD
pesan & kesan : lanjutkan prestasimu nak !!


nama : bagus setiawan
role : carry, killer
ex team : PKCrew, MID
hero favorite : raigor, kardel
item favorite : town partal, pt
team favorite : DMZ, PKLcrew
player favorite :windykiss
food : nasi kucing
drink : air
band : B-complex